Chandra Road, Ambabai, Jhansi, U.P
CBSE Affiliation No. 2133663
UDISE Code : 09360405910

Manager's Message

“The Purpose of Education is to Turn Mirrors into Windows.”

Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Well-wishers, and Students,

I sincerely extend a warm and hearty welcome to all of you to the Heralds English Medium School (HEMS).

HEMS is a vibrant, learning community with “Education and Empowerment” as its mission goal. We strive to create in our students a passion for learning which will help them reach the realities of knowledge and wisdom. These skills will enable them to make substantial contributions to the communities in which they live. Along with the principal aim of education, our committed teachers encourage boys and

girls to become individuals who are capable of expanding their horizons and excelling in all they do, not simply by repeating what other age groups have previously done in the past. We seek to motivate and seize all opportunities that come their way so that they can fly into the world of success. We live in a world where the most up to date and advanced technologies are used. By understanding the needs of the time, we provide and incorporate smart boards, smart TVs and computers to enhance the academic calibre of young minds. Our competent team of teachers understand the importance of education and they focus on teaching the students necessary time management skills using these new technologies to become more productive and efficient. Our aim is to provide the highest quality education to our students.

That being said, our first batch of 10th appeared for the board exam and have brought a very exciting and thrilling result of 100%. Congratulations on your achievements.
“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”
It would be remiss of me if I were not to mention special word of appreciation and profound thanks to everyone for helping us dream high and reach our goal and vision. Renewed thanks to all the staff for their continued dedication and commitment, without which we would not be able to move forward. Together we forge ahead to realize our new horizon.
Let the noble thoughts fill the young minds to envisage the Vision of the Country.

Best wishes to All.

Jimmy Joseph
The Manager, HEMS

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