Chandra Road, Ambabai, Jhansi, U.P
CBSE Affiliation No. 2133663
UDISE Code : 09360405910

School Organization

Criteria for Captains

For the post of the school captain the candidate must be a bonafide students for the last three years. Academic performance must be excellent. Candidates must be honest, sincere and dutiful with loyalty and dedication. He/She should set examples of good behavior, devoted to study and faithful to rules of discipline. Above all he/she must have a good leadership quality.

The House System

When students come up to class III or when they join the school in Class III or above are assigned to a house and they cannot ordinarily change their “House”. One of the main objectives of the house-system is to foster in the students a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity and at the same time to enkindle and develop the social qualities/talents in every child. Each house elects Captain and Vice-captain, Their duties broadly speaking are : –
To aid the teacher in all the sports activities & academics. To motivate and encourage the students in their particular house to take part in co-curricular activities in the academics and sports field. To see that competitive spirit does not waver or fall, so that school life will be enjoyable. Monitors and assistant monitors: every class must have a monitor and assistant monitor. These are selected by their very own class-mates with the approval of the class teacher. It is therefore, imperative that they be of good example and do their duties conscientiously which might be listed as follows. Maintain discipline and order in the class in teacher’s absence.
Co-operation with the school authorities in the execution of any work assigned. Keep order in the assembly and other occasions when a number of students are gathered together. Be mindful of the language they themselves use and be guides to other students. They ought to be ideal students.

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